Research Institute
The Center, from its inception, worked to achieve the goal of conducting research on the Jews of Babylonia and disseminating the results throughout the world. To reach this goal, The Center established an academic council. The Council consists of researchers from universities and research institutes from Israel and from all over the globe. The Academic Council's function is to advise and the Research Institute's function is to execute the advice.
In recent years, the Research Institute under the direction of Dr. Zvi Yehuda, published a collection of studies in English, including: Tombs of Saints and Synagogues in Babylonia, The Jews of Arbil in the 19th and 20th Centuries and The Jews of Babylon in the Second Century CE. The Research Institute also published the book Al-Farhud, in conjunction with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and written by Prof. Shmuel Moreh of Hebrew University and Dr. Zvi Yehuda.
In addition, the institute published Netivot Shalom: R’ Ezra the Babylonian, a book authored by Prof. Shaul Regev of Bar Ilan University, and Hamaateh Matok Vehatrufa Mara, by Prof. Lev Hakkak of California University.

Research for Exhibitions
The Research Institute consists of a library, documentary archives and collections of photographs, films, objects and music of Babylonian Jewry some of which are very rare and found only in The Center. Through them we have succeeded in creating a visual, historical and cultural commemoration of the Jews of Babylonia.

Publication of Research
The Research Institute also writes and publishes its research. Dozens of research books, including research files and monographs, have been published by the Institute. Aside from these publications, the Research Institute also publishes an annual journal, entitled Nehardea, in Hebrew and English. It contains information about the community in the past and present and also includes updates of current research and museum activities.

Seminars and Conferences
The Center hosts academic seminars with world-renowned scholars from Israel and overseas. In the past, four congresses for the study of Babylonian Jewry have been held. In attendance were researchers specialising in Babylonian Jewry. These congresses contributed significantly to the advancement of research in this subject.
In addition, seminars for teachers are held that focus on topics included in the curriculum of the Ministry of Education.
For the series of lectures from The Baghdadi Jews of India conference, please click here.

Prizes for Researchers
The Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center has raised funds which are earmarked for prizes for researchers who have written studies about the history and culture of Babylonian Jewry.

Nehardea magazine is being published since 1978 until today.
In the various booklets you will find a variety of topics, from objects and collections to contemporary research activity.